6-month Group Work Curriculum

created by Valerie Hamaker


1. Introduction: Deconstruction/Reconstruction Using Personal Authority

2. True Self as Foundation 6. Faith Expansion and Relationship Work

3. Order, Disorder, Reorder and Stages of Faith

4. Early Life Integration Work


Introductions to help group begin to feel safe with one another in their unique but related LDS faith journeys

● Stages of community development and setting group intention to form safe, healthy community

True Self as Foundation

● Introduction to TRUE SELF, false self, shadow self

● True Self identity statement group sharing

● Introduction to internal family systems and Val’s True Self Triangle (wounded/protector parts)

● Strengthening True Self through meditation

Order, Disorder, Reorder and Stages of Faith

● Intro to Universal life cycles: birth/death/rebirth (order/disorder/reorder)

● “Shelf-imony” meeting—sharing of the bright spots of “birth/order” in LDS faith and the present process of “death/disorder”

● Stages of faith review and order/disorder/reorder with emphasis on group sharing of Reorder as it emerges

Early Life Integration Work

● Introduce Val’s "Cycle of Integration"—Introduction to “Realize”

● Realize Part II—Group work on Family of Origin cultural patterning and creation of

true, false, and shadow selves (religion, sex, conflict, loyalty, education, success, money, etc.)

● Realize Part III—Past and Present statements of emerging “knowing’ about a

variety of topics connected to early patterning (worthiness, womanhood, manhood, sexuality, obedience, etc.)

● Introduction to “Revisit” Section of Val’s Wheel of Wholeness

● “Revisit” Part II Inner child reparenting exercise strengthening connection between emerging wise adult True self and wounded child connected to religious ideas that have caused wounds.

What's included?

  • Small Breakout Groups
  • Valerie organizes virtual breakout sessions after our group meetings for those who prefer smaller, more intimate settings to delve deeper into the content. Several members find this a wonderful opportunity to process some of their most important faith expansion work with a few other open hearts and open minded people.

  • Private Community
  • With your own support group via a closed Facebook Page and a current-members-only Marco Polo Group. These are places where members of the group process group experiences together, support one another in their real-life challenges, and reinforce the reality that we are not alone in this journey.

  • Closed Facebook Group
  • For all current members of ALL of Valerie’s groups where current group members from all groups can find more connection, discover others in their geographic area, and enjoy periodic Facebook LIVE Question and Response Sessions with Valerie and Nathan as well as other special guest speakers.

  • Podcast Guest Opportunities
  • Valerie occasionally has group members come on the podcast as guests to share their own experiences in faith expansion. Val frequently gets requests from listeners who want to share…and she limits guest appearances to those whom she knows and loves personally :).

  • 1:1 Coaching Opportunities
  • Valerie occasionally invites group members to volunteer for individual coaching during the group zoom meetings. These are great opportunities for everyone to learn from the principles and reflect upon insights. This is a VOLUNTEER position only, and no one will be forced to share.